The First Session of the 57th Legislature

January 2-17, 2025: Legislation may be prefiled
January 21: Opening day (noon)
February 20: Deadline for introduction
March 22: Session ends (noon)
April 11: Legislation not acted upon by governor is pocket vetoed
June 20: Effective date of legislation not a general appropriation bill or a bill carrying an emergency clause or other specified date

BlueSky Profile

The White House Invites Senator Michael Sanchez to be a Member of the Plenary Panel for Worker Voice Summit


Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez

Senate Majority Office

Contact: Isaac Padilla
Office: (505) 986.4819

Mobile: (505) 264-6512


October 7, 2015

Advisory: The White House Invites Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez to be a Member of the Plenary Panel for Worker Voice Summit

Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez will be one of six members of the plenary panel, “The Importance of Worker Voice,” for the White House Summit on Worker Voice.   President Obama is hosting the “Worker Voice Summit” at the White House to discuss the benefits of empowering employees to become partners in growing the economy.

Who:               President Obama, Secretary Tom Perez, Senator Michael Sanchez, Sarita Gupta,                                            Ambereen Khan-Baker, Gregory Adams, Joe Schmidt and Robert Hathorn.

What:              Plenary Panel “The Importance of Worker Voice” of the 2015 White House Summit on                                 Worker Voice

Where:            The White House Live Stream at

When:             Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at  8:30AM MT to 10:00AM MT

Why:               The panel will establish the themes of the day for all other panels: (1) underscore the importance of worker voice in an economy where the middle class shares in the benefits of economic growth; (2) present the challenges to worker voice that that justifies the President’s decision to devote an entire day at the White House and (3) identify success and ways to improve worker voice in our economy.

The plenary panel starts at 8:30AM Mountain Time and the President will give his remarks at 10:00AM. Senator Sanchez will also participate in the digital backstage from 10:35AM to 10:45AM to respond to live Twitter questions.


10:30AM  ET      Opening Session

10:40AM  ET      Plenary Panel: The Importance of Worker Voice

12:00PM   ET      Remarks by the President

4:40PM   ET        Town Hall with the President on the Future of Worker Voice


