The First Session of the 57th Legislature

January 2-17, 2025: Legislation may be prefiled
January 21: Opening day (noon)
February 20: Deadline for introduction
March 22: Session ends (noon)
April 11: Legislation not acted upon by governor is pocket vetoed
June 20: Effective date of legislation not a general appropriation bill or a bill carrying an emergency clause or other specified date

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Subject: NMBC Message for Political Bullies

Subject: NMBC Message for Political Bullies

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“It is not the critic who counts. . .The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; . . . who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” – Theodore Roosevelt

NMBC Message for Political Bullies:  There are a lot of good people in elected/appointed positions as well as citizen advocates working to make a positive difference, knowing we CAN do better!​  Then, there are those who demonize and bully anyone who does not agree with their personal or partisan agenda.  We need to ignore the detractors, those who believe that the status quo is good enough.  It is not.  And we need to stand up and unite against the bullies who think it’s their way or the highway – unless, of course, we help them find the road out of here.

At last week’s BASH (Business and Social Hour), Senate Pro Tem Mary Kay Papen provided her thoughts on what led to the Capital Outlay bill (SB 159not finding consensus between the two chambers:

Senator Papen said the biggest difference of opinion related to New Mexico’s needs on roads.  “​The House proposed an unprecedented plan to borrow money to boost the state road fund while the Senate wanted to use general funds.  The road fund, which generally pays for road maintenance, is primarily supported by a per-gallon gasoline tax.  As cars have become more efficient, the fund has failed to keep up with the need.

​”​The state has always reserved borrowing for large transportation projects.  In fact, the state is currently $1.4 billion in debt for transportation infrastructure and will spend $141 million this year just on debt service.  It doesn’t make any sense to find new ways to add to our substantial transportation debt, especially when interest-free money is available.  So, the Senate opposed the House plan to add money to the road fund by issuing severance tax bonds.”

Read more here: