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    Upcoming New Mexico State Senate Committee Meetings:

    SCONC -- 1/28 at 9am, Room 311
    SEC -- 1/27 at 9am, Room 311
    STBTC -- 1/28 at 1:30pm, Room 321
    SRC -- 1/27 at 9am, Room 321

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    The NM State Senate is in recess until 11 a.m., Monday, January 27, 2025. #nmleg #nmpol
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    The NM State Senate is now in session. #nmleg #nmpol

    Senate Chamber

Statement from Senate Democratic Leaders on Governor Susana Martinez’s El Dorado Hotel Situation

Contact: Isaac Padilla


Statement from Senate Democratic Leaders on Governor Susana Martinez’s El Dorado Hotel Situation

Santa Fe, NM – Statement of Senator Michael S. Sanchez, Senator Majority Leader (D-29-Bernalillo & Valencia):

“The recent incident involving Governor Susana Martinez’s activities at the El Dorado Hotel in Santa Fe, which has been of intense interest in the national media, is very regrettable for our state.  It is embarrassing that this is how New Mexico makes the national news, and it does real harm to our state.  It also comes on the heels of being named worst-run state in the nation, worst in unemployment, and worst in high school graduation.

“We also regret that some of the Albuquerque media in its coverage of this case chose again to minimize the seriousness of a negative situation involving this Governor.  After all, the Governor outrageously ordered an independent police agency to stop their investigation into her improper activities. What’s worse, she vindictively wanted to know who complained about her party’s disturbance to the hotel front desk.  We need an impartial media more than ever today.”


Statement of Senator Michael Padilla, Senate Majority Whip (D-14-Bernalillo):

“New Mexico deserves leaders who do not bully citizens and public safety officers. I am concerned about our governor, an attorney by trade, who acts arrogantly, and brazenly believes she is above the law.

“I am also concerned that the Governor of New Mexico and her allies engage in consistent pattern of behavior that can only be described as abuse of power. Her chief political advisor, Jay McCleskey, is being investigated by the FBI. A federal grand jury has also subpoenaed records from Martinez, from when she was District Attorney, to determine if she illegally used law enforcement databases to research political opponents. Additionally, her Taxation and Revenue Department is being investigated to determine if audits were conducted to retaliate against political opponents. And her political ally, the former Secretary of State Diana Duran, pled guilty to fraud and is serving time in prison.”

Both Senators Sanchez and Padilla are deeply concerned about the Governor’s behavior, frequent out-of-state fundraising trips, and her new role as head of the RGAin light of New Mexico’s dismal rankings in the following critical areas.

  • New Mexico ranks 49th in job growth in 2015
  • New Mexico was ranked dead last in job growth in 2014
  • New Mexico is the worst run state in the country
  • Net Migration was -11,500 in 2014

