The First Session of the 57th Legislature

January 2-17, 2025: Legislation may be prefiled
January 21: Opening day (noon)
February 20: Deadline for introduction
March 22: Session ends (noon)
April 11: Legislation not acted upon by governor is pocket vetoed
June 20: Effective date of legislation not a general appropriation bill or a bill carrying an emergency clause or other specified date

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Senate clears bill permitting home delivery of beer, wine (SF New Mex)

Senate clears bill permitting home delivery of beer, wine

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    Posted: Monday, March 2, 2015 3:03 pm | Updated: 8:02 pm, Mon Mar 2, 2015.

    New Mexico is a step closer to allowing home delivery of beer and wine with meal purchases.

    The state Senate on Monday approved the bill 32-10. It now goes to the House of Representatives.

    Most senators said home delivery of beer and wine would help the restaurant industry, better serve tourists and actually curb drunken driving.

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