The First Session of the 57th Legislature

January 2-17, 2025: Legislation may be prefiled
January 21: Opening day (noon)
February 20: Deadline for introduction
March 22: Session ends (noon)
April 11: Legislation not acted upon by governor is pocket vetoed
June 20: Effective date of legislation not a general appropriation bill or a bill carrying an emergency clause or other specified date

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Reader View: Students deserve better reception (SF New Mex)

Reader View: Students deserve better reception

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    Posted: Monday, March 2, 2015 9:00 pm

    As a longtime educator and proponent of education for all citizens, I was appalled by Department of Public Education Secretary Hanna Skandera’s arrogant, dismissive response to the student protesters in Santa Fe last week.

    About 250 students from Santa Fe and Capital high schools walked out of school to your office building to protest the administration of state-mandated tests. Skandera’s reported response was, “I am disappointed that students were out of class in the middle of the day.” This response is the most succinct display of her lack of knowledge and experience in education. Those of us who have spent a lifetime teaching know that the main goal of education is to foster creative, problem-solving individuals who act independently within the framework of our laws. Those students were completely within their rights to protest.

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