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Officials debate New Mexico as a right-to-work state (KOAT)

Officials debate New Mexico as a right-to-work state

Republicans to push for New Mexico to become right-to-work state

Published  10:53 PM MST Jan 03, 2015

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —“Right to work” is a controversial issue that could change the future of economic development in New Mexico.

Republicans said they’ll push for New Mexico to become a right-to-work state in 2015, meaning employers cannot force employees to join a union or pay dues as a condition of employment.

Rep. Nate Gentry said it’ll mean better-paying jobs for New Mexicans.

“Right-to-work states have lower instances of unemployment and have higher incomes,” Gentry said.

But Democrats disagree, saying right-to-work legislation is wrong for New Mexico.

Sen. Michael Sanchez said weaker unions could mean “a lower income (because) they don’t have as much health insurance or (any) health insurance at all,” Sanchez said. “The impact it would have on families, in my opinion, would be devastating.”

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