The First Session of the 57th Legislature

January 2-17, 2025: Legislation may be prefiled
January 21: Opening day (noon)
February 20: Deadline for introduction
March 22: Session ends (noon)
April 11: Legislation not acted upon by governor is pocket vetoed
June 20: Effective date of legislation not a general appropriation bill or a bill carrying an emergency clause or other specified date

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NM Sen. Smith talks education with DEA

Smith says schools in urgent need of replacement

By Charles Scanlon

For the Headlight

Posted:   01/13/2014 02:22:48 PM MST

Charles Scanlon Photo  New Mexico Senator John Arthur Smith (D-Deming), interim vice chair of the Legislative Finance Committee, held a roundtable
Charles Scanlon Photo  New Mexico Senator John Arthur Smith (D-Deming),
interim vice chair of the Legislative Finance Committee, held a roundtable
discussion last Tuesday with members of the Deming Education Association.
To Smith’s left are DEA President Susie De La Torre and Deming Public Schools
board member Dr. Andy Hernandez.

New Mexico Senator John Arthur Smith (D-Deming), the interim vice chair of the New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee, held a roundtable discussion last Tuesday at the Deming Literacy Center located at 2301 S. Tin St. Members of the Deming Education Association, the regional National Education Association representative Leslie Fritz and Deming Public Schools Associate Superintendent Marylou Cameron, along with board president Bayne Anderson and Dr. Andy Hernandez. DEA President Susie De La Torre persistently worked to draw this meeting together, with DEA member Robert Phipps taking notes. Although scheduled to last one hour, Sen.. Smith gave his time, remaining well over two hours, listening and responding to questions.

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