NM Senate Democrats @nmsenatedemocrats.bsky.social 4 hours
Narrowly Tailored Industrial Hemp Research & Development Makes Its Way to Governor
This morning, the Senate unanimously concurred with amendments made to Senator Cisco McSorley’s Senate Bill 6 by the House of Representatives. The legislation, which now goes to Governor Martinez for her signature, allows for research and development of industrial hemp in New Mexico. The legislation was carefully drafted to address previous issues brought up by Governor Martinez in her veto message of SB 94 passed by Senator McSorley during the 2015 legislative session and mirrors language in federal law to ensure no conflict.
“The bill we see today is the result of years of work and addresses concerns raised by Governor Martinez when she vetoed previous hemp legislation,” said Senator McSorley. “We can’t wait any longer to begin the research and development of this potential cash crop for our state that will help our agriculture and manufacturing industries bounce back.”
To date, 32 other states have begun operating under provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill which allows licensees of universities and the state departments of agriculture to grow or cultivate industrial hemp.
The bill is supported by New Mexico Farm & Ranch, New Mexico Cattle Growers, the Farm Bureau, and was constructed by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture, New Mexico State University, and the New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service.