The First Session of the 57th Legislature
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Budget splits committee along party lines (Assoc. Press)
Budget splits committee along party lines Posted: Thursday, February 6, 2014 9:00 pm | Updated: 12:14 am, Fri Feb 7, 2014. Associated Press State spending on public education and government programs would…
Legistlative Committee to Discuss Controversial Racino Deal (SF Reporter)
Legistlative Committee to Discuss Controversial Racino Deal Lawmakers want governor’s presence at Rules Committee hearing to discuss racino contract under federal scrutiny. By Justin Horwath The state Senate’s Rules…
Early education bill advances (SF New Mexican)
Early education bill advances By Milan Simonich A constitutional amendment to dip into the state government’s largest endowment to pay for early childhood education programs advanced Wednesday in the…
Proposal aims to get EMTs to victims faster (KRQE 13)
Proposal aims to get EMTs to victims faster By Alex GoldsmithUpdated: Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 6:54 pmPublished: Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 6:50 pm SANTA FE (KRQE) – The first few…
No confidence vote suggested for governor’s top pick (KOAT 7)
No confidence vote suggested for governor’s top pick Action dirty politics, some say Published 7:39 PM MST Feb 04, 2014 VIDEO: State senators take action against state leader “One to 10, I’d…